Are you one of 30 female future leaders?

Are you setting the bar in creative right now?

With Campaign, we're on the hunt for 30 women trailblazing in creative and destined for leadership roles. If that's you, put yourself forward. Now. Don't wait for your brilliance to be noticed. Our judges include Rob Doubal and Laurence Thomson, ECDs, McCann London; Emma Perkins, ECD, MullenLoweOpen, Daniele Fiandaca, co-founder Creative Social; Caitlin Ryan, ECD, Cheil; Ian Heartfield, ECD, BBH; Victoria Buchanan, ECD, Tribal DDB and Cheyney Robinson, Global Chief Experience Officer, Isobar. Your work will be showcased on the walls at our #CEFutureLeaders event. Apply now. 


Creative's 30 future leaders

