Calling all future leaders: leadership programme open now

Creative Equals and Creative Social, supported by Facebook, have launched their #FutureLeaders programme. The programme has been designed as a six-month boot camp to give senior female creative the tools they need to thrive in the creative industry, developing the core skills of leadership, such as culture building, negotiation skills, media training, business skills and public speaking in a creative and inspiring way.

Confirmed trainers include Lynne Parker, founder of Funny Women, Richard Robinson, Managing Partner at Oystercatchers, Roxanne Hobbs, Founder of Hobbs Consultancy and Zoe Clapp, CMO of UK TV. There will also be one deep-dive day into team management. 

There are 25 places, for any rising stars with leadership potential within businesses, from senior level upwards. It’s specifically designed to make sure each delegate receives the tools they need to move ‘one rung up’. We have two ‘scholarship places’ for single mothers or those who are in between jobs.

The programme will run over six months stating on 27th June. For those looking to secure a place, please complete the following form. The deadline for entries is Friday 17th May. The cost is £700, which includes tickets to the industry’s most inspiring event for creatives, CS Globals, running between 9-10 November in London.

Any questions, contact


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