Cindy Gallop: 'Forget passion - find things you want to punch'

In a passionate speech, delivered on May 16 at the Creative Equals, Create Your Future conference in London, Gallop urged women in the creative industries to build their own financial ecosystem "because the white male-dominated one is not working for us".

Holding a copy of The Sunday Times Rich List, she urged the audience, which was primarily made up of women to make it on to the list.

Describing the current state of the advertising ecosystem as "collaborative competition" where essentially every agency is competing to do exactly the same thing, she described its future as being rooted in collaboration. "Imagine the female founded holding company of the future. All it takes is one or two of you to be the next Martina Sorrell and make it onto the list," she said.

Read the full Campaign article. 


'Don't just be creative, be courageous'


Where do all the women in advertising go?