Inclusive AI and meet our first RISE speaker...

Going, going... 

When they're gone, they're gone!
This year we are capping Early Bird tickets, so get in early to avoid disappointment.
We have only 30 tickets left at 30% discount on full-price tickets. 

Learn from best-in-class leaders at the UK's marketing summit dedicated to creating inclusive, sustainable brands that drive both social impact and business growth. After last year's sold-out event with 80+ industry brands, we're raising the bar again.

Hear from a stand-out lineup of game-changing leaders, experts and CMOs who will transform your approach to marketing excellence. Dive into cutting-edge sessions on inclusive AI deployment, taboo-breaking advertising, sustainability integration, responsible media, and the critical intersection of inclusion with creative effectiveness with Effie UK)and creative excellence, brought to you by Cannes Lion.

Where + When:
Thursday 15 May 9am - 5pm
The Royal Horticultural Halls, Lindley Hall, Central London 

Why join? This quote:
'Half of ALL P&G Growth over the last three years has come from including previously excluded audiences'
- Marc Pritchard, Global CMO, P&G 

A big thank you to our sponsors, industry partners, community partners, event partners and media partners:

'Every stain is part of the game'
Check out the work from RISE speaker Tati Lindenberg

Here's a stat for you: six out of 10 girls fear playing sport due to period leaks. It’s a stark statistic, and a barrier that Tati Lindenberg (VP of Marketing and Dirt is Good (OMO, Persil, Surf Excel, Breeze) at Unilever is determined to break.

Last year, Unilever won the accolade of 'Creative Marketer of the Year' at Cannes Lion. Inclusion is a key part of their work across their portfolios. In this example, 'Dirt Is Good' teamed up with Arsenal to tackle the double standard of blood stains in sport. When someone plays with a bleeding ankle, their blood-stained sock is a mark of courage. But a period stain would be marked with shame or embarrassment. Why? Grass, mud, sweat. All normal stains. So is blood, even when it’s from a period. They've launched a new campaign "Every Stain Should be part of the game" so girls choose to play on, without fear, without shame.

Want to hear more about how Unilever is leading making change with Inclusion? Come learn from Tati Lindenberg. at RISE. She's Ad Age Leading Woman in Advertising; Cannes, Effies, and WARC winner; 20 years of experience in FMCG - Tati leads Dirt Is Good – a €4.3bn business, the world’s largest laundry brand, the 3rd biggest brand at Unilever, present in 50 markets and 0.5bn households.

Tati heads Dirt Is Good’s global masterbrand, equity, design, and innovation programmes, and is leading the DIG brands to new heights. For its 20th year, Tati is steering DIG's purpose-led ethos into the realm of sport, so its best-in-class products can unlock superior performance and value.

Get the Recap: Inclusive AI x Bias Workshop

Recently we held a 'How to use AI in Marketing' workshop with ISBA and Deft and WOW - what a session! When thinking about the application of AI in the marketing process: where does inclusion matter most? We looked at persona building, synthetic focus group panels, brief writing, insights and more. 

Here are just a few of the many takeaways: 

  1. Exploring the difference between open AI platforms models: Claude came out on top for inclusive prompting results, over and above ChatGPT4 and Co-Pilot.

  2. The quality of the prompter and their knowledge of 'who' diverse audiences are matters. This is why it's especially important to have ‘humans in the loop’ who know how to cover inclusion of all audiences to gain the best outcomes.

  3. Understanding the difference between diverse representation vs positive portrayal is key - and how stepping further with progressive portrayal will yield better results.

  4. The watchout: if you gain unrepresentative insights at the beginning of the marketing process, the outputs will exclude the audiences you want to reach. If you're looking to grow your market share through advertising, inclusion is essential.

It was an rich, provocative session, with how to build AI into your marketing process, while side stepping the dangers of bias and stereotypes. Like to run a session of your team? Get in touch with us and we'll bring along the checklists, cheatsheets and our playbook for inclusion AI. 

All the Thursday joy in the March madness.  

the CE Team 


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