Stay at home, together.


As we're #AtHomeTogether, we've been thinking how we can show up for our community right now. You'll see some of the ways we're bringing a mix of free webinars, our best-in-class training and support for those who struggle with 'presenting' their authentic selves. We're also here as a sounding board for leaders who would like advice on inclusion in a time of Covid-19, running inclusive teams or effective communication strategies. Please reach out anytime. We're here for you.


We've just started our free series of #AskUsAnything webinars. It's our open space, where we can solve challenges together, drawing on the wisdom of professionals, from within ourselves or within the group.

Last week, we focused in on mental health and the importance of I&D right now. Liz Nottingham - Former Executive HRD at R/GA - shared her wisdom and tips with us, such as checking in with your team on how they're feeling as they 'arrive' in a meeting, naming emotions and recognising them and ensuring all members of your team have an equal voice. If you missed it, you'll find our key takeaways here.

In our next session on Wednesday 15 April, 2-2.45pm we're tackling 'How to remote work AND parent/care'.

Our special guests include Nicky Kemp, Managing Editor, BiteLive, Creative Brief, Marvyn Harrison, Founder, DopeBlackDads, Han-Son Lee, Planning Director, Proximity and Founder, DaddiLife and Jo Coombs, Chief Operating Officer, Publicis Groupe.


We know many people 'hide' in online calls. Some don't even want to turn their cameras on. No matter how good you are, if you're not 'seen', there's every chance you'll miss out on opportunities. This 90-minute session will help you learn how to present yourself online and how to overcome your internal barriers and blocks.

Join TV presenter, PR guru and executive coach, Lydia Amoah (our own Learning and Cross-Cultural Director) as she helps you identify the successes you want. Learn tools and tips, experience live on-the-spot coaching and peer to peer learning to help you become more assertive and confident in your decisions. Right now, it's more important than ever to show up as you want to be seen.


Do you hold 188 unconscious biases? Yes, it’s likely you do.

Would you know how these are affecting your work life? 

In our groundbreaking workshop, we break down the barriers to understanding unconscious bias and defeating it in our daily lives. We'll work through the challenges to creating actions across the spectrum. You'll come away with concrete ways to make a real difference in your day-to-day life and re-energised to make a difference. We've refreshed our workshop for online delivery and you can still expect our usual judgement-free, dynamic, radical candour workspace with tangible actions. 

 "This session has created a huge buzz around the business and inspired change in a way we haven’t seen before. Action-orientated, moving and powerful, we came away motivated to transform key areas of our business." - MD, Portas Agency 

Stay safe. Stay sunny!
Love, The Creative Equals team 


The Accelerate Programme: Making Business Multicultural


ask us anything: launch