I&D Webinars
During the #atHomeTogether lockdowns of 2020 we ran a series of diversity and inclusion online events, showing up for our community when times were tough. We brought a mix of free webinars, our best-in-class training and support for those who struggle with 'presenting' their authentic selves.We acted as sounding boards for leaders who wanted advice on inclusion in a time of Covid-19, running inclusive teams or effective communication strategies.
It was so good, we’re sharing our webinars with you here. Stay tuned for the next in the series!
LGBTQIA+ History with Queer Britain
As culture shapers, our role to push for progress is more important than ever. This LGBTQIA+ History Month, we hosted an exciting panel in partnership with Queer Britain.
We need to ask ourselves: Is the portrayal of LGBTQIA+ representation in advertising as we want it to be in 2021?
How have we moved forwards? Who is still missing from our narratives? What will 2030 look and FEEL like? How do we deal with the 73 countries where being LGBTQIA+ is against the law? And the REAL question: are LGBTQIA+ voices always at the decision-making table?
In collaboration with QUEER BRITAIN and Outvertising, we discussed how adland can keep making history happen now.
Your speakers:
Joseph Galliano, CEO, Queer Britain
Bhavik Pancholi (he/him/his) Pancholi, Capabilities Director, Creative Equals
Christopher Kenna, CEO/Founder, Brand Advance
Tamara Littleton, CEO/Founder, The Social Element
Ben Golik, Chief Creative Officer, LIDA
Lucy Rennie, Outvertising Awards Co-Director', Consultant Brand & Creative Strategist'
Ali Hanan CMRS, CEO/Founder, Creative Equals
How to drive supply chain diversity
As part of our #AdlandCommits2021 series, we talked about how it’s more important than ever to hold the industry to account for our #AdlandCommits promises.
The new year offers us a real opportunity to reset. Let’s make this the year we transformed the sector as we work to reduce racial inequality and honour the memory of George Floyd.
This is your chance to explore how your I&D policy lives and breathes throughout your supply chain with experts who do this for their organisations.
They’ll bring you tangible actions to drive change from how you procure your partners to your media buy.
Your Host:
Sonoo Singh, co-founder Creative Salon
Your Speakers:
Chris Kenna, CEO, Brand Advance
Megan Stowe, Greater European Strategic Sourcing Director + International Supplier Diversity Manager at Intel Corporation
Serhat Ekinci, Managing Director at Omnicom Media Group UK - Diverse and Inclusive Marketing Division
IWM: Where are Muslim Women?
When Zara Mohammed, the first female head of the Muslim Council of Britain, was met with a hostile interviewer, 100 public figures immediately signed an open letter. The interview enforced damaging stereotypes and prejudicial tropes about Muslim women. Is this what our Muslim sisters face on a daily basis?
Ask yourself: when did you ever see a Muslim hijab-wearing woman as a protagonist in an ad or in the media?
In our businesses, do Muslim women feel free to wear the hijab, if this is part of their faith identity?
What are their experiences in the workplace? And, are we missing out on the Muslim Pound, worth £20 billion and growing?
Your host:
Nicola Kemp, Editorial Director at Creativebrief
Your speakers:
Arif Miah, Creative Strategy Director at Mud Orange
Sufia Parkar, Senior Diversity and Engagement Specialist at McCann Worldgroup
Shelina Janmohamed, Writer and Vice President at Ogilvy Noor
Zara Mohammed, Head of the Muslim Council of Britain
WFA Global Marketer Week '23: 'Progressive Pathways to Growth' with the CMO of the year, Cristina Diezhandino.
This talk. Watch it. In this talk with the WFA's CMO of the year, Cristina Diezhandino, this world-leading marketer talks about how Diageo drives growth through transforming inclusivity within their marketing. This meant changing how every brand thought about the consumer and their target audiences, how they shaped content, who is producing their content and their media buys. What happened? Johnnie Walker grew by 21% and Guinness by 17%. Inclusion improves performance. This is the belief from the top down.
Since the pandemic, Diageo's profits are up by 36%. They drive that representation all the way down to their partnerships for change, like Creative Comeback, and Disabled Creatives with us. This is the new ROI: the 'return on inclusion'.