Excited to have our first piece in The Drum!

Diversity initiative Creative Equals provides two free places on IPA Foundation Certificate course.

Excited to have our first piece of press in The Drum, about our sponsored training initiative – two fab female creatives now have free places on IPA Foundation Course.

Creative Equals, a new advertising industry action plan initiative to create gender diverse creative departments, has provided two free places on the IPA’s Foundation Certificate course, sponsored by Major Players. 

This certificate is usually only open to member agencies, but art directors Ellen Wright and Holly Hunter (pictured), candidates chosen by Scarlett Montanaro and Charlotte Khushi of the Young Creative Council, are now on their way to obtaining one of the industry’s benchmark qualifications.

AnalogFolk, Mr President and JWT are among the agencies already signed up to Creative Equals, which wants agencies to create tangible action plans and pathways for female creative talent.

Ali Hanan, founder of Creative Equals, said: "We plan to provide training, mentoring and support to help more women come into creative departments and stay. We believe - as an industry - we need to pick up young female talent faster."

"Right now, just 14 per cent of London's creative directors are female. This is just one of many tangible things we can do to tackle the lack of female creatives."

Read the whole article on thedrum.com


And the Huff Post too! Five Statistics That Show Why Young Female Creatives Drop Out of Adland


Creative Equals Ali Hanan takes the message to The Guardian readers