And the Huff Post too! Five Statistics That Show Why Young Female Creatives Drop Out of Adland

Scarlett - taking our message to Huffington Post.


Young Creative Council and Creative Equals noticed that there seems to be an even number of girls and boys in advertising courses, yet few of them make it into the industry. Why are they dropping out before they've even got past the first hurdle? Is it so awful that they turn and run during their first internships?

I don't need to tell you why this is a terrible thing but more women in advertising means more women in the workforce, more women represented fairly in the media and more women going on to become C-Suite, money making superheroes. If they drop out before they've signed their first contract the future looks bleak.

Charlotte Kushi and I, working on behalf of the YCC partnered with Ali Hanan of Creative Equals to release a survey to find out exactly what was causing it. Here's what we found.

1. 88% of young female creative say they lack role models
Without visible role models in the industry, there are few paths to follow. I know this only too well from my own experiences in agencies.

2. 70% of young female creatives have never worked with a female creative director or executive creative director

'With so few mentors within a business, young female creatives aren't given the right skills, advice and tools get their careers on an upward trajectory,' says Charotte Khushi, lead at the Young Creative Council, 'which is why young female creatives need mentors to not only help them but supply a vision of where their careers could lead.'


Creative Equals Ali Hanan takes the message to The Guardian readers


Excited to have our first piece in The Drum!