The truth behind the IPA's diversity survey

Last week's IPA Diversity Survey laid bare how far the industry is behind where it should be.

The numbers of women moving up to senior leadership has moved by 0.6%. Overall, the BAME figures have moved by 0.7%.

This is despite a year of articles, panels, discussion groups and diversity conferences. For one chief creative officer, the "D-word" even became "boring".

At Creative Equals, we know exactly why these numbers aren’t shifting.  

We see the real data, not just across BAME and gender but disability (almost zero), age, neurodiversity, LGBTQ and all the intersectional data in between. Look for BAME women at senior levels in creative and we believe the numbers run about 1%-2%.

The fact is this: agencies are simply not invested in doing their homework – on themselves.

Want to do your homework? Read the full article in Campaign


5 takeaways from #DiverseMinds


#DiverseMinds Conference - 1 March, 2018