'Diversity isn't about sticking a woman of colour on a panel or committee'

Speaking at the Creative Equals Create Your Future conference in London on May 16. the Bend it Like Beckham director said: "Diversity isn’t about sticking a woman of colour on a panel or a committee. It’s the very upper echelons [of business and society] allowing genuine, authentic honest voices and experiences to be heard and listened to"

In an energetic discussion with Chaka Sobhani, chief creative officer of Leo Burnett, she said: "Everything I do is taking what people expect and doing something different, like making an Indian girl the centre of a film about football. I do it to say: ‘you got it wrong, you got me wrong, and in doing that I’m able to change perception."

Read the full Campaign article. 


Women's Equality Party on JWT London's gender pay gap, knackered women and media stereotyping


'Don't just be creative, be courageous'