Women's Equality Party on JWT London's gender pay gap, knackered women and media stereotyping

'What kind of business are you running when the disparity of earnings is so huge?' This is the question Sophie Walker, leader of the Women's Equality Party has posed to JWT London, in a wide-ranging and passionate speech on the power of the media to challenge unhealthy gender stereotypes.

Speaking at Creative Equals' Create Your Future conference on May 16, Walker urged the audience – primarily made up of female creatives – to take "immediate and tangible action to close the gender pay gap."

She told the audience to "tell women’s stories" in the work they created. "We need to see positive and realistic representation of women, not the sidelining of women we see everywhere."

Read the full Campaign article. 


Creative Equals & The Hobbs Consultancy : #DiverseMinds


'Diversity isn't about sticking a woman of colour on a panel or committee'