‘Tis the season to #maketheleap

Campaign IPA #MakeTheLeap


Passing on another initative that’s getting a lot of press at the moment: Adam & Eve/DDB #maketheleap. The agencies, backed by IPA, Tiwtter & Campaign challenged agencies and media owners to use the extra day in Feb to pledge for change on 4 specific diversity targets:
• 40 per cent female representation in senior positions by 2020;
• 15 per cent black, Asian and minority-ethnic representation in senior positions by 2020;
• to eliminate unconscious bias through training;
• to raise awareness of flexible or agile working policies.

All really well needed targets and the more people urging agencies to take action and stop the hand-wringing the better. Certainly the first and third are two that are very much embedded within the Creative Equals offering – proof that it’s active change across the board that we’re in need of.

Loved the use of the day traditionally given to women taking action to encourage those in positions of power to do the same.

So take a look at #maketheleap have a read and become familiar with the requests – how does your agency stack up against the targets?

Digging deeper into how to activate the pledges takes you to the IPA, using their know-how and training bank to support the agencies and ensure that change can happen.

None of the solutions currently offered seemed to speak directly about getting more women to the top, so we look forward to finding out how target number 1 is supported within this. As our primary focus we’re looking for some actionable support to tackle this and (ever hopeful!) having spoken with IPA a lot of late and gained their support we’ll be offering our expertise as part of the solution.

Here’s to hitting 2020 in style.


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