International Women’s Day: WACL supports Creative Equals to change the ratio in adland’s creative departments

WACL - Women in Advertising and Communications London - is focused on getting more women into leadership positions and there is a particular need to do so within creative departments. Women make up just 24% of London’s creative departments, which is why just 14% of CD positions are held by women and female ECDs are few and far between. This is one of the biggest changes that needs to happen at scale, which is why WACL is supporting Creative Equals.  

"My agenda as President of WACL is “Speak Up”: to inspire others, to challenge and change and to celebrate and praise.  I wish Creative Equals every success in their bid to make change in this important area and I look forward to celebrating with them the appointment of many more female creative leaders.’

WACL is a club for the most influential women in the UK communications industry. Their members represent many of the most senior women in client organisations, media owners, advertising and media agencies. This year, as part of their agenda, they’re adding their weight to initiatives like SheSays, DAWN, BLOOM, The Girlhood and Future’s Network. We’re proud to be part of their ‘Speak Up’ campaign.

And, we’re speaking up. Let’s make 2016 a year for change for female creative talent and inspire more women to come in, stay and take on those critical leadership roles."

- Lindsey Clay, President of WACL, CEO Thinkbox


Happy International Women’s Day. As Ghandi said: be the change you want to see in the world. 


And Little Black Book takes up the story : Creative Equals talks to Creative Circle


‘Tis the season to #maketheleap